The Cartel


We Are The Builder

The Driver

The Spectator

Manji Cartel got its start when 2 media bros got together to start making awesome drift videos. Josh and Rob met each other through motorcycles and started a motorcycle YouTube page. Josh had already been shooting other motorsports, mainly drifting, and introduced Rob to shooting drift events. They needed a banner to collaborate under, thus Manji– slang for ‘the art of slaloming the rear of a car back and forth‘  Cartel was born.

We strive to be a home for all Motorsports: Car, Motorcycle, and ‘things-with–an-engine’ photographers. You will find all kinds of content including event coverage, builds, videos, and adventures along the way.



joshJosh Engel

Josh got his start into motorsports photography in 2010 and has been going strong ever since. He has heavily covered drifting shooting for, Drift Indy, and other projects. He also shoots motorcycle events like AMA Pro Racing, WERA and track days. If it has a motor and wheels Josh is there.

IG: JoshTacular





robRob Taylor

Shooting motorcycle races since 2011. Found the ‘Video’ mode on a DSLR in 2013 and got hooked on drifting in 2014. Enjoys video editing and long twisty roads.

IG: RobTheCartel







Austen Verrilli

Austen Verrilli has been a gear head his whole life and a part time writer for eight years.  He is in the garage wrenching any time possible. He’s always interested to hear and write about new automotive technology and motorsports.  Go over show any day.








Brandon Reinert

Brandon enjoys shooting the events from the air. He travels the Midwest, based out of Minneapolis, MN. MDU, Proving Grounds, Powercruise, and a handful of other events, he is sure to be at. Buzzing the track and crowd getting those birds eye shots. Even makes his way to trackside with the DSLR between batteries on the flying camera.







Kyle Cross

Kyle’s beard is majestic as fuck….that is all. His bio will be here soon.

IG: KyleCrossPhotography

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